A Few Words About Me

My integrative framework combines different approaches such as Psychodynamic, Relational, Humanistic, Solution focused, CBT, Neuroscience and Attachment based. The methods I use vary depending on the needs of my client and their presenting issues.

My therapy room contains a variety of creative media such as art materials, puppets, sand play and small world materials to facilitate exploration and expression of feelings and thoughts.

I reply promptly to messages - please contact me using the contact form or by email: jennifercoxpsychotherapy@gmail.com

Counselling Psychotherapy in London

My Qualifications

  • MA Integrative Child Psychotherapy ( IATE – London Metropolitan University)
  • Diploma in Counselling (IATE)
  • Diploma in therapeutic and Educational application if the Arts (IATE)
  • PGCE primary school teaching with specialism in modern languages (Institute of Education)
  • BA joint Hons French and Italian and a European Studies (University of Bath)
  • Celta diploma in Teaching English as a foreign language (University of Bath)
  • ITEC Holistic Body Massage (WAES)
Jennifer Cox Counselling Psychotherapy

Integrative Child Psychotherapy is a supportive, and effective way of working with children to help them with the things that are troubling them through the use of arts, play, and the relationship with the therapist, in a safe and confidential space.